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Fast and high-resolution Analysis of Intact Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibody Trastuzumab using BIOshell™ A400 Protein C4 Column
Optimization of a Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatographic (RP-LC) method for the intact analysis of a therapeutic monoclonal antibody, trastuzumab, using a BIOshell™ A400 Protein C4 column.
Analysis of 20 Underivatized Amino Acids
Discover an innovative LC-MS/MS method using the Supel™ Carbon LC column to analyze all 20 amino acids without derivatization, achieving excellent retention, peak shape, and fast run times.
Analysis of Arbutin and Hydroquinone in whitening serum
Development of an HPLC-UV method to determine Arbutin and Hydroquinone in whitening serum using a Chromolith® HighResolution C18 100x2mm HPLC column.
Analysis of Lactose in Milk by HPLC-RI using Chromolith® NH2 Column
A new HPLC-RI method is proposed for the analysis of Lactose in milk using a Chromolith® NH2 column.
Untargeted profiling of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract with 2D LC MS
An RP-LC×RP-LC-PDA-MS method for the metabolic profiling of G. glabra extract using the MSG approach for enhanced metabolic coverage.
Difluoroacetic Acid as an Effective Mobile Phase Modifier for the LC-UV/MS Analysis of Proteins
The article describes the use of difluoroacetic acid (DFA) as an effective alternative to acid modifiers, formic acid (FA) and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in the LC-UV/MS analysis of proteins.
Determination of Urea in Milk by HPTLC
An HPTLC method for rapid urea detection in milk using a TLC plate scanner and Silica Gel 60 F254 HPTLC plate.
Drospirenone Assay: USP Monograph
HPLC method determines Drospirenone in progestin medication using Purospher® STAR RP-18e Hibar® HPLC column, meeting USP monograph criteria.
Determination of Stevioside and Rebaudioside A in Stevia leaves, beverages and food additives using HPTLC-MS
HPTLC-MS was used to analyze stevioside and rebaudioside in artificial sweeteners, stevia plants, cola and isotonic drinks with a minimum of sample preparation.
Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine HCl in Oral Solution Analysis
HPLC method on Purospher® RP-18e column analyzes ephedrine and pseudoephedrine HCl in traditional Chinese medicine.
Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine Determination
Discovery® C18 column aids in HPLC method development for quantifying ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in traditional Chinese medicine.
Hydroxymethylfurfural Analysis of Beer by HPLC UV
HPLC-UV determination of 5-HMF (5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural) in beer samples using monolithic silica Chromolith® HighResolution RP-18e HPLC column.
BioSPME for Plasma Protein Binding Assay: Details of Method Development and Optimization
Determination of plasma protein binding using a SupelTM C18 pin device based BioSPME method for efficient sample preparation, along with a comparison to the equilibrium dialysis method.
Monoclonal Antibody Titer Determination Using a Chromolith® WP 300 Protein A Wide Pore Monolithic Silica HPLC Column
Method development for titer determination of three different monoclonal antibodies - cetuximab, trastuzumab, and universal antibody standard using a Chromolith® WP 300 Protein A column.
Middle-Up Antibody Analysis by RP Chromatography
Compare columns in resolving medium-sized antibody fragments after digestion with DTT or IdeS using Reversed-Phase Chromatography for analysis.
UHPLC Analysis of Diclofenac in Gel using a Monolithic Silica Column
A comparative UHPLC analysis of diclofenac sodium in gel using Chromolith® HighResolution RP-18 endcapped 100 x 2 mm I.D column and FPP 1.7 µm hybrid silica C18 100 x 2.1 mm I.D column with UV and MS detection.
Determination of Chlorogenic acid and Baicalin in Compounded Lonucerae Japonicae Flos using a Discovery® HS C18 Column
Extraction and analyses of chlorogenic acid and baicalin active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) according to Chinese pharmacopeia monograph by HPLC with Discovery® C18 column to check: chromatographic data, linearity, specificity and repeatability, LOQ and LOD
Safinamide Impurity Profiling by HPLC Assay Methods
HPLC-DAD method on Ascentis® Express C8 column analyzes safinamide purity and related impurities meeting system suitability criteria.
Determination of Ascorbic Acid and Dehydroascorbic Acid in Different Food Products and Supplements - A Simple HPTLC Based Approach
Simultaneous analysis of ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid in various food samples by High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC).
Determination of HMF in Honey using RP 18e column
Quantitative analysis of Hydroxymethylfurfural in honey using a Chromolith® HighResolution RP-18e column without the common Carrez clarification step.
Charge Variant Analysis (CVA) with Strong Cation Exchange
Learn about the separation of several charge variants of two monoclonal antibodies, NISTmAb and Infliximab, using a polymeric cation exchange column and MS-compatible mobile phases.
LC-MS Analysis of PFAS Compounds
LC-MS method separates 32 PFAS compounds in drinking water following EPA methods 533, 537, and 537.1. EPA 8327.
Assay of Doxepin Hydrochloride USP Monograph
The FPP Purospher® STAR RP-8e column offers a reliable and consistent assay with strong peak shapes and linearity, ensuring precise quantification.
Analysis of mAb and ADC on Widepore Silica Monolith Column
Intact analysis of Universal Antibody Standard human and Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC) Mimic on silica monolithic HPLC columns under various conditions.
Sample Cleanliness Using BioSPME
Learn about Supel™ BioSPME C18 96-pin tool to prepare a clean sample with minimal matrix effects for an LC-MS/MS analysis from human plasma and its comparison with acetonitrile-based precipitation.
Determination of Tramadol in Urine using LC-MS/MS
This article presents an LC-MS/MS method for the determination of tramadol in urine samples using reversed-phase LC-MS/MS aided by isotope internal standards.
Separation of Organic Acids with 100% aqueous mobile phase using an Ascentis® Express AQ-C18 HPLC Column
A new RP-HPLC method is proposed for the determination of organic acids in 100% aqueous mobile phase using an Ascentis® Express AQ-C18 column
Fluticasone Propionate Assay by HPLC UV USP Monograph
Learn how the Purospher® STAR RP-18e Hibar® HPLC column meets the system suitability criteria outlined in the USP monograph for the fluticasone propionate assay.
A Comparison of Superficially Porous Particle-based Column Chemistries for Peptide Mapping
This application note compares three different column chemistries from the BIOshell™ line of columns with superficially porous particles to evaluate their performance in peptide mapping.