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Pathogen and spoilage testing

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对于微生物学家而言,最基础的染色方法是由丹麦细菌学家Hans Christian Gram在1884年开发的。
Baird Parker 琼脂上金黄色葡萄球菌的检测与鉴别
一篇关于 Baird Parker 琼脂的文章,用于分离和鉴别食品和药品中的凝固酶阳性葡萄球菌
大多数弧菌采用葡萄糖等简单的 C 源作为能源,需要2-4%的NaCl或其他盐以及海水中存在的微量元素,即可实现最佳生长。有些物种可以使用多种能源。
EN ISO 11133和制备用水和微生物培养基性能测试
了解在采用EN ISO 11133集中纯化水和Milli-Q® IX纯水系统产出的纯水制备微生物培养基及进行性能测试时,如何比较两种水源。测试包括针对李斯特菌和沙门氏菌病原体的专用培养基。
双歧杆菌是乳制品生产中重要的质量控制指标。双歧杆菌选择性培养基 (BSM) 可以轻松快速地控制酸奶品质。
Escherichia Coli Detection and Analysis for Food and Beverage Safety
Looking for products for the growth, detection, and analysis of E. coli in food and beverage products? Here you will find an overview of all our Escherichia coli testing solutions, regulatory compliance support & lab efficiency services.
Cultivation of Shigella
Technical article on Cultivation of Shigella
Detection of Campylobacter spp. and Enterobacter Sakazakii in Food with a New Test Kit System
Detection of Campylobacter spp. and Enterobacter sakazakii in food with a new test kit system.
TRANSIA® PLATE Staphylococcal Enterotoxins
TRANSIA® PLATE Staphylococcal Enterotoxins - AOAC Performance Tested Methods Validation Study
Vibrio Detection
Vibrios are motile, curved or comma-shaped bacilli and have a single polar flagella with sheet proteins. They are often found in open water, freshwater and saltwater.
Microbiological Control of Spices and Herbs
Microbiological assessment of bacteria found in spices, a potent source for food spoilage and pathogens.
Bacillus: A Ubiquitous Bacteria Genus
We present an article concerning Bacillus: A Ubiquitous Bacteria Genus.
Culture Method for Beer Quality Control
Traditional methods are based morphology, staining methods, enzyme reactions (metabolism) and diverse media.
Selective Media for Bifidobacteria
Bifidobacteria are important indicators of quality control in the manufacture of dairy products. Bifidobacteria Selective Media (BSM) allows for easy and fast quality control of yoghurt.
Rapid and Innovative Technique for Detection of Beer Spoilage Microorganisms
Ensuring excellent product quality is essential for microbiological quality control in breweries. Our HybriScan™ assays provide rapid and accurate molecular detection of beer spoilage microorganisms at a faster rate as compared to conventional methods.
Differentiation and Identification Media for Salmonella
Salmonella contamination is the second leading cause of food-borne illness worldwide. Controlling outbreaks of Salmonella is an important task for food regulators, restaurants and the food industry in general. The Salmonella family includes over 2,300 serotypes of bacteria, but two types
Detection and Molecular Identification of Mycobacteria Species
The diseases produced by species of the genus Mycobacterium are important causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. The identification of mycobacteria to the species level is important because of the clinical significance; some species are pathogenic while others
EN ISO 11133 and Water for the Preparation and Performance Testing of Microbiological Culture Media
See how two water sources compare when preparing and performance testing microbiological culture media acc. to EN ISO 11133: centrally purified water vs. water from a Milli-Q® IX system were assessed. Tests included media specific for Listeria and Salmonella pathogens.
Anaerobic Culture Methods with the Anaerocult® System
Anaerocult® system is a reliable system for the cultivation of obligate and facultative anaerobes. Our Anaerocult® range of systems and accessories supports the cultivation of anaerobes, microaerophiles, and capnophiles for microbiological needs.
Clostridia Diagnostic
Clostridia are relatively large, gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria that can undergo only anaerobic metabolism.
Detection and Identification of Campylobacter
Campylobacter grows only on complex media that have been amended with diverse essential amino acids and supplements. We offer a broad range of specific agars and broths for the detection, identification, and cultivation of Campylobacter.