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Prestige Antigens™—封闭实验方案
推荐按照标准的Prestige Antigen封闭实验方案使用Prestige Antigens™以及相应的Prestige Polyclonals或Monoclonals
Prestige Antibody®免疫组化步骤
我们对用于Prestige Antiboby免疫组化步骤的实验方法进行了呈现。Prestige Antibodies是用于使用专门设计的组织芯片(TMA)玻片而进行的标准化检测步骤的。
Prestige Antibody® Immunohistochemistry Procedure
We presents a protocol for the Prestige Antibody Immunohistochemistry Procedure. The Prestige Antibodies are subjected to a standardized test procedure using specially designed tissue microarray (TMA) slides.
Prestige Antigens™—Blocking Protocol
Prestige Antigens™ and the corresponding Prestige Polyclonals or Monoclonals are recommended to use according to the standard Prestige Antigen-blocking protocol
Conjugating Alkaline Phosphatase to Antibodies and Other Proteins
Protocol for the one-step, glutaraldehyde coupling method to conjugation alkaline phosphatase to antibodies and other proteins.
Prestige Antibodies® Powered by Atlas Antibodies in Immunofluorescence Applications
One major rationale for investigating the subcellular location of a specific protein is that location is often tightly connected to function. For example, proteins locating to the nucleus are frequently implicated in gene regulation, proteins in mitochondria with energy production
Immunohistochemistry Procedure
Use this protocol to for the entire immunohistochemistry (IHC) procedure through staining and visualization of specific antigens in paraffin-embedded tissue sections.
Tips and Techniques for Troubleshooting Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Tips and troubleshooting for FFPE and frozen tissue immunohistochemistry (IHC) protocols using both brightfield analysis of chromogenic detection and fluorescent microscopy.