HomeWebinarsGood Water Practices for Reliable LC–MS and ICP-MS Analyses

Good Water Practices for Reliable LC–MS and ICP-MS Analyses


In this webinar, Estelle Riché, Global Application Specialist at Milli-Q® Lab Water Solutions Merck, will discuss how water is purified for the most sensitive analytical techniques, will provide guidance on how to select the optimal water purification solution, and will give tips on preventing water contamination for optimal experimental results.

By joining this webcast, you will:

  • Understand the potential impact of different water contaminants on your LC–MS and ICP-MS analyses
  • Discover how recent advancements in purification technologies provide water suited for the most sensitive analytical techniques
  • Get tips on selecting a water purification system that answers your lab’s range of needs, including reduced environmental impact


Estelle Riche, Ph.D.

Estelle Riche, Ph.D.

Lab Water Solutions

Global Application Specialist

Dr. Estelle Riche holds an engineering degree in chemistry from ESCOM (France) and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). Prior to joining Millipore SAS twelve years ago, she was an assistant professor in the School of Dentistry at UNC for four years. She is currently a Global Application Specialist for Lab Water Solutions, based in Guyancourt, France. Her responsibilities include understanding the potential impact of water contaminants on the results of analytical experiments and providing support to scientists regarding the optimal use of purified water in their experiments.

Webinar Information

Environmental and cannabis testing

  • Drinking water testing​
  • Duration:50min

  • Language:English

  • Session 1:presented December 3, 2020

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