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Showing 1-28 of 28 results for "03989" within Papers
Sílvia Coimbra et al.
Journal of experimental botany, 60(11), 3133-3142 (2009-05-13)
Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are structurally complex plasma membrane and cell wall proteoglycans that are implicated in diverse developmental processes, including plant sexual reproduction. Male gametogenesis (pollen grain development) is fundamental to plant sexual reproduction. The role of two abundant, pollen-specific
Rexhep Uka et al.
Oncogene, 39(20), 4132-4154 (2020-04-03)
Despite advances in the systemic treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma using immune checkpoint and tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI), the majority of stage IV melanoma patients eventually succumb to the disease. We have previously identified the transcription factor Sox10 as
The TrkA agonist gambogic amide augments skeletal adaptation to mechanical loading
Fioravanti, et al.
Bone (2021)
Lorena Di Pietro et al.
International journal of molecular sciences, 21(12) (2020-06-25)
All skeletal bones house osteogenic stem cell niches, in which mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) provide progenitors for tissue growth and regeneration. They have been widely studied in long bones formed through endochondral ossification. Limited information is available on the composition
Amani Wehbi et al.
Frontiers in neuroanatomy, 14, 28-28 (2020-06-26)
The coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR) is a single-pass transmembrane cell adhesion molecule (CAM). CAR is expressed in numerous mammalian tissues including the brain, heart, lung, and testes. In epithelial cells, CAR functions are typical of the quintessential roles of
Stefan Rudloff et al.
Nature communications, 12(1), 549-549 (2021-01-24)
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with reduced kidney size at birth, accelerated renal function decline, and increased risk for chronic kidney and cardiovascular diseases in adults. Precise mechanisms underlying fetal programming of adult diseases remain largely elusive and warrant
Donghyun Kim et al.
Behavioural brain research, 374, 112105-112105 (2019-07-22)
Mechanisms underlying the protective effect of exercise training against the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are not fully understood. This study investigated the effects of treadmill running on Aβ plaque burden and hyper-phosphorylated tau protein, neuro-inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and adult
Ursula Sommer et al.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25(15) (2020-07-31)
The biocompatibility of a cast porous and with a calcium titanate reaction layer functionalized titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-7Nb) was tested by means of cell culture, and a small (rat) and large animal (sheep) model. The uncoated titanium material served as a
Isabelle Ernens et al.
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 121, 223-232 (2018-07-17)
New therapeutic approaches are needed to fight against the growing epidemic of heart failure. Unlike mammals, zebrafish possess the incredible ability to regenerate cardiac tissue after acute trauma such as apical resection. Yet, the ability of zebrafish to recover after
Kyra T Newmaster et al.
Nature communications, 11(1), 1885-1885 (2020-04-22)
The oxytocin receptor (OTR) plays critical roles in social behavior development. Despite its significance, brain-wide quantitative understanding of OTR expression remains limited in postnatally developing brains. Here, we develop postnatal 3D template brains to register whole brain images with cellular
Rosaline Y C Hsu et al.
iScience, 23(5), 101038-101038 (2020-04-29)
Telomeres are maintained by telomerase or in a subset of cancer cells by a homologous recombination (HR)-based mechanism, Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT). The mechanisms regulating telomere-homeostasis in ALT cells remain unclear. We report that a replication initiator protein, Origin
Ulrich Andergassen et al.
Oncology reports, 37(5), 3055-3060 (2017-04-26)
Triple-negative breast cancer is a highly aggressive type of mammalian carcinoma. It is defined by a rather weak expression of estrogen-, progesterone- and Her2-receptor, and is thus difficult to treat, resulting in low disease-free and overall survival rates of the
Ying Shen et al.
Cancer cell, 37(6), 800-817 (2020-06-10)
Tumors are influenced by the mechanical properties of their microenvironment. Using patient samples and atomic force microscopy, we found that tissue stiffness is higher in liver metastases than in primary colorectal tumors. Highly activated metastasis-associated fibroblasts increase tissue stiffness, which
Tito Panciera et al.
Nature materials, 19(7), 797-806 (2020-02-19)
Defining the interplay between the genetic events and microenvironmental contexts necessary to initiate tumorigenesis in normal cells is a central endeavour in cancer biology. We found that receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-Ras oncogenes reprogram normal, freshly explanted primary mouse and human
E A Armstrong et al.
Scientific reports, 10(1), 3007-3007 (2020-02-23)
In commercial flocks of laying hens, keel bone fractures (KBFs) are prevalent and associated with behavioural indicators of pain. However, whether their impact is severe enough to induce a depressive-like state of chronic stress is unknown. As chronic stress downregulates
Pablo Iruzubieta et al.
Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, 23(1), 64-72 (2019-07-04)
Gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) is a mesenchymal cancer which derives from interstitial cells of Cajal. To determine whether a relationship between Hedgehog (Hh) signalling pathway and primary cilia exists in GIST tumours is intended here. Immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and ultrastructural techniques
Charlotte Isabelle Delage et al.
Developmental neurobiology, 80(7-8), 239-262 (2020-09-23)
Brain sexual differentiation is a developmental process leading to the establishment of stable neural sex differences. In birds and rodents, this process is largely driven by estrogens during a critical period. In rodents, estrogens drive the masculinization of the brain
Fanyi Li et al.
Biomaterials science, 8(6), 1711-1725 (2020-01-30)
The encapsulation of cells into microgels is attractive for applications in tissue regeneration. While cells are protected against shear stress during injection, the assembly of microgels after injection into a tissue defect also forms a macroporous scaffold that allows effective
Baihui Li et al.
Journal of autoimmunity, 90, 132-145 (2018-03-01)
Sjögren's syndrome is a multifactorial systemic autoimmune disorder characterized by lymphocytic infiltrates in exocrine organs. Patients present with sicca symptoms, such as extensive dry eyes and dry mouth, and parotid enlargement. Other serious complications include profound fatigue, chronic pain, major
Krisztina Nikovics et al.
Cytokine, 137, 155318-155318 (2020-10-13)
Macrophages play a fundamental role in the different stages of muscle regeneration although the precise mechanisms involved are not entirely understood. Here we investigated the types of macrophages and cytokines that appeared in muscles after local gamma irradiation of mini-pigs
Fabio Gualtieri et al.
Frontiers in neuroscience, 11, 488-488 (2017-10-03)
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) in the dentate gyrus is known to respond to environmental enrichment, chronic stress, and many other factors. The function of AHN may vary across the septo-temporal axis of the hippocampus, as different subdivisions are responsible for
Joana Schröder et al.
Cancers, 12(10) (2020-10-22)
Thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP) is a metabolic protein critically involved in redox homeostasis and has been proposed as a tumor suppressor gene in a variety of malignancies. Accordingly, TXNIP is downregulated in breast, bladder, and gastric cancer and in tumor
Yu-Chia Kao et al.
International journal of molecular sciences, 21(1) (2020-01-02)
Although several epidemiologic and animal studies have revealed correlations between obesity and neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson disease (PD), the underlying pathological mechanisms of obesity-induced PD remain unclear. Our study aimed to assess the effect of diet-induced obesity on the
Marco Gualandi et al.
Life science alliance, 3(6) (2020-04-22)
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is the second most common skin cancer characterized by increased mortality. Here, we show for the first time that anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK), a receptor tyrosine kinase of the insulin receptor superfamily, plays a pivotal
Martin T Henrich et al.
Science advances, 6(46) (2020-11-13)
In Parkinson's disease (PD), fibrillar forms of α-synuclein are hypothesized to propagate through synaptically coupled networks, causing Lewy pathology (LP) and neurodegeneration. To more rigorously characterize the determinants of spreading, preformed α-synuclein fibrils were injected into the mouse pedunculopontine nucleus
Alakesh Das et al.
Scientific reports, 7(1), 14219-14219 (2017-10-29)
Cancer invasion through dense extracellular matrices (ECMs) is mediated by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) which degrade the ECM thereby creating paths for migration. However, how this degradation influences the phenotype of cancer cells is not fully clear. Here we address this
Jin Rong Ow et al.
eLife, 9 (2020-12-22)
Cell cycle progression and lipid metabolism are well-coordinated processes required for proper cell proliferation. In liver diseases that arise from dysregulated lipid metabolism, proliferation is diminished. To study the outcome of CDK1 loss and blocked hepatocyte proliferation on lipid metabolism
Shan Zhao et al.
Cell, 180(4), 796-812 (2020-02-16)
Optical tissue transparency permits scalable cellular and molecular investigation of complex tissues in 3D. Adult human organs are particularly challenging to render transparent because of the accumulation of dense and sturdy molecules in decades-aged tissues. To overcome these challenges, we
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