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Showing 1-6 of 6 results for "200-006-5" within Site Content
Tips & Tricks | Decide Which Multiplex Assay Fits Your Research | MILLIPLEX® Assays
Need help deciding which multiplex assay fits your research? Before you start multiplexing with MILLIPLEX® multiplex kits, check out these tips for how to decide what the best MILLIPLEX® assay is for your research. Also, learn what materials are required
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Reprogramming Protocols
Stem cell reprogramming protocols to generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) including viral and non-viral RNA based methods.
Materials for Clean H2 Production from Bioethanol Reforming
Hydrogen is one of the most important resources in providing food, fuel, and chemical products for our everyday life. Sustainable catalytic hydrogen production from bioethanol has gained significant attention in recent years due to globally diminishing fossil fuel supplies, which
DNA Damage and Repair
DNA damage and repair mechanism is vital for maintaining DNA integrity. Damage to cellular DNA is involved in mutagenesis, the development of cancer among others.
2D MXenes Ink: Synthesis, Properties, and Their Precursors
Optimizing the synthesis of high-quality 2D MXene flakes for 3D ink printing is essential to such technological developments as printable and flexible electronics.
Genomic DNA Sample Purification and Quality Assessment
The availability of simple methods for purification of DNA and RNA has greatly facilitated the analysis and characterization of the genome and gene expression. There is a demand to isolate DNA and RNA rapidly and conveniently from a variety of