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Showing 1-3 of 3 results for "594-60-5" within Site Content
Quantitative Analysis of Nitrosamine Impurities by LC-MS Methods from the United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter <1469>
This application note describes the LC-MS-based quantitative analysis of known nitrosamine impurities following procedures 1 and 3 as given in USP general chapter .
A Highly Sensitive IFN-γ ELISpot Assay to Quantify Cellular Immune Responses to Previous Viral Infection
This study presents an example of a typical ELISpot assay for quantifying the number of pre-existing, antigen-reactive T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples obtained from donors previously infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV).
Soft Magnetic Nanocrystalline Alloys: Materials and Models
Magnetic materials permeate numerous daily activities in our lives. They are essential components of a diversity of products including hard drives that reliably store information on our computers, decorative magnets that keep the shopping list attached to the refrigerator door