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Showing 1-6 of 6 results for "93302" within Papers
The effect of COMT Val158Met and DRD2 C957T polymorphisms on executive function and the impact of early life stress.
Klaus K et al.
Brain and Behavior, 7, e00695-e00695 (2017)
Sin Hang Lee et al.
International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(10) (2019-05-30)
Lyme disease, initially described as Lyme arthritis, was reported before nucleic-acid based detection technologies were available. The most widely used diagnostic tests for Lyme disease are based on the serologic detection of antibodies produced against antigens derived from a single
Ying Chen et al.
Applied and environmental microbiology, 74(19), 6132-6137 (2008-08-19)
The relative expression levels of six botulinum neurotoxin cluster genes in a group II Clostridium botulinum type E strain grown at 10 or 30 degrees C were investigated using quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to
Christian M Schürch et al.
Cell, 182(5), 1341-1359 (2020-08-09)
Antitumoral immunity requires organized, spatially nuanced interactions between components of the immune tumor microenvironment (iTME). Understanding this coordinated behavior in effective versus ineffective tumor control will advance immunotherapies. We re-engineered co-detection by indexing (CODEX) for paraffin-embedded tissue microarrays, enabling simultaneous
Unique nucleotide sequence-guided assembly of repetitive DNA parts for synthetic biology applications.
Torella JP et al.
Nature Protocols, 9, 2075-2075 (2014)
Kyla R Rodgers et al.
Scientific reports, 10(1), 7047-7047 (2020-04-29)
Acute inflammation is a key feature of innate immunity that initiates clearance and repair in infected or damaged tissues. Alternatively, chronic inflammation is implicated in numerous disease processes. The contribution of neuroinflammation to the pathogenesis of neurological conditions, including infection
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