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Western blotting

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facet applications:Western blotting
facet content type:Technical Article
facet topic:Antibody
Antibody Standard Validation
Explore antibody validation, including antibody and target, species validation, lot validation, application validation, storage and handling, citations, and quality control, in detail.
Antibody Generation
Leverage the inherent immune ability of an animal to generate antibodies that bind to specific molecules.
How to Choose a Secondary Antibody
Review the key factors that should figure in your decision to choose a secondary antibody. Learn about species, subclass, isotype, label, and more.
Antibody Basics
Explore the basics of working with antibodies including technical information on structure, classes, and normal immunoglobulin ranges.
An Introduction to Antibodies: Antigens, Epitopes and Antibodies
Antibodies combine with specific antigens to generate an exclusive antibody-antigen complex. Learn about the nature of this bond and its use as a molecular tag for research.