
Voice handicap index in Swedish.

Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology (2009-03-25)
Ann-Christine Ohlsson, Hans Dotevall

The objective of this study was to evaluate a Swedish version of the voice handicap index questionnaire (Sw-VHI). A total of 57 adult, dysphonic patients and 15 healthy controls completed the Sw-VHI and rated the degree of vocal fatigue and hoarseness on visual analogue scales. A perceptual voice evaluation was also performed. Test-retest reliability was analyzed in 38 subjects without voice complaints. Sw-VHI distinguished between dysphonic subjects and controls (P<0.001). The internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha > 0.84) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient >0.75) were good. Only moderate or weak correlations were found between Sw-VHI and the subjective and perceptual voice ratings. The data indicate that a difference above 13 points for the total Sw-VHI score and above 6 points for the Sw-VHI subscales is significant for an individual when comparing two different occasions. In conclusion, the Sw-VHI appears to be a robust instrument for assessment of the psycho-social impact of a voice disorder. However, Sw-VHI seems to, at least partly, capture different aspects of voice function to the subjective voice ratings and the perceptual voice evaluation.

Product Number
Product Description

VOCOL® Capillary GC Column, L × I.D. 20 m × 0.18 mm, df 1.00 μm
VOCOL® Capillary GC Column, L × I.D. 60 m × 0.53 mm, df 3.00 μm
VOCOL® Capillary GC Column, L × I.D. 105 m × 0.53 mm, df 3.00 μm
VOCOL® Capillary GC Column, L × I.D. 30 m × 0.53 mm, df 3.00 μm
VOCOL® Capillary GC Column, L × I.D. 60 m × 0.32 mm, df 1.80 μm
VOCOL® Capillary GC Column, L × I.D. 30 m × 0.25 mm, df 1.50 μm
VOCOL® Capillary GC Column, L × I.D. 60 m × 0.25 mm, df 1.50 μm
VOCOL® Capillary GC Column, L × I.D. 60 m × 0.32 mm, df 3.00 μm