  • Friend of GATA suppresses the GATA-induced transcription of hepcidin in hepatocytes through a GATA-regulatory element in the HAMP promoter.

Friend of GATA suppresses the GATA-induced transcription of hepcidin in hepatocytes through a GATA-regulatory element in the HAMP promoter.

Journal of molecular endocrinology (2011-10-06)
Edward T Bagu, Manuela M Santos

Hepcidin is an antimicrobial peptide hormone involved in the metabolism of iron, encoded for by the HAMP gene mainly in hepatocytes. It's expressed at lower levels in other cells such as the macrophages. The mechanisms that determine tissue-specific expression of hepcidin remain unclear. GATA- and its co-factor Friend of GATA (FOG) modulate the tissue-specific transcription of other genes involved in the metabolism of iron. GATA proteins are group of evolutionary conserved transcriptional regulators that bind to the consensus motif -WGATAR- in the promoter. We characterized a 1.3 kb fragment of the 5'-flanking sequence of the HAMP gene in Huh7 cells, which express HAMP. Transfection of 5'-deletions of the HAMP promoter in Huh7 cells revealed two regions, -932/-878 and -155/-96, that when deleted decreased promoter activity. Using site-directed mutations in the HAMP promoter region -155/-96 we identified two subregions, -138/-125 and -103/-98, which when mutated suppressed promoter activity by 70 and 90% respectively. Site -103/-98 with a sequence -TTATCT- to which endogenous GATA proteins 4 and 6 bind and transactivate HAMP is a GATA-regulatory element (RE). Mutation of the GATA-RE abrogated binding of GATA proteins 4 and 6 to the promoter and blunted the GATA transactivation of HAMP. FOG proteins 1 and 2 suppressed the endogenous and exogenous GATA activation of the HAMP promoter. We concluded that the GATA-RE, -TTATCT- in the HAMP promoter region -103/-98 is crucial for the GATA-4 and GATA-6 driven transcription of hepcidin in Huh7 cells and that FOG proteins moderate the transcription by suppressing the GATA transactivation of HAMP.

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Protein G Plus/Protein A Agarose Suspension, Protein G PLUS/Protein A-Agarose mixture specifically formulated for immunoprecipitation.