  • Generation of hypothalamic arcuate organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells.

Generation of hypothalamic arcuate organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells.

Cell stem cell (2021-05-08)
Wei-Kai Huang, Samuel Zheng Hao Wong, Sarshan R Pather, Phuong T T Nguyen, Feng Zhang, Daniel Y Zhang, Zhijian Zhang, Lu Lu, Wanqi Fang, Luyun Chen, Analiese Fernandes, Yijing Su, Hongjun Song, Guo-Li Ming

Human brain organoids represent remarkable platforms for recapitulating features of human brain development and diseases. Existing organoid models do not resolve fine brain subregions, such as different nuclei in the hypothalamus. We report the generation of arcuate organoids (ARCOs) from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to model the development of the human hypothalamic arcuate nucleus. Single-cell RNA sequencing of ARCOs revealed significant molecular heterogeneity underlying different arcuate cell types, and machine learning-aided analysis based on the neonatal human hypothalamus single-nucleus transcriptome further showed a human arcuate nucleus molecular signature. We also explored ARCOs generated from Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) patient iPSCs. These organoids exhibit aberrant differentiation and transcriptomic dysregulation similar to postnatal hypothalamus of PWS patients, indicative of cellular differentiation deficits and exacerbated inflammatory responses. Thus, patient iPSC-derived ARCOs represent a promising experimental model for investigating nucleus-specific features and disease-relevant mechanisms during early human arcuate development.

Product Number
Product Description

Anti-Stage-Specific Embryonic Antigen-4 Antibody, clone MC-813-70, clone MC-813-70, Chemicon®, from mouse
N6,2′-O-Dibutyryladenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate sodium salt, ≥96% (HPLC), powder
Anti-Neuropeptide Y Antibody, Chemicon®, from rabbit
Anti-TRA-1-60 Antibody, clone TRA-1-60, clone TRA-1-60, Chemicon®, from mouse
Anti-NeuN Antibody, clone A60, biotin conjugated, clone A60, Chemicon®, from mouse
Monoclonal Anti-S100B antibody produced in mouse, Prestige Antibodies® Powered by Atlas Antibodies, clone CL2720, purified immunoglobulin, buffered aqueous glycerol solution
cOmplete, Mini, EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Tablets provided in a glass vial, Tablets provided in a glass vial