  • Metabolic differences and similarities of selenium in blood and brain of the rat following the administration of different selenium compounds.

Metabolic differences and similarities of selenium in blood and brain of the rat following the administration of different selenium compounds.

Biological trace element research (1992-04-01)
Z J Wang, J Zhou, A Peng

A common intermediate, i.e., selenite, was found in the serum of the rat; the maximum levels occurred 3 h after administration independent of chemical forms. This indicates that both the reduction of selenate to selenite, and oxidation of seleno-dl-methionine to selenite existed in the metabolic pathways of the rat. We found that water-soluble selenium compounds led to a similar maximum content in blood and serum, but seleno-dl-methionine had a higher affinity for the brain and, by gel filtration chromatography, for the higher mol-wt (25-100 K Da) fractions of serum protein, when compared with inorganic forms.

Product Number
Product Description

Selenous acid, 98%
Selenous acid, 99.999% trace metals basis