
Flavor release from iota-carrageenan matrices: a kinetic approach.

Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (2004-03-20)
Alexandre Juteau, Jean-Louis Doublier, Elisabeth Guichard

Release of aroma compounds in selected iota-carrageenan systems was studied by static headspace analysis. By varying the sodium chloride content, different rheological behaviors were obtained ranging from solution to gel. From the release curves, mass transfer (h(D)) and partition coefficients (K(ga)) of ethyl butanoate, ethyl hexanoate, and linalool were extracted using a mathematical model based on the penetration theory. This model, previously developed for flavor release from stirred solutions, was found to fit well the data obtained from structured systems (nonstirred conditions) at the beginning and at the end of the release curves: this allowed the determination of h(D) and K(ga). Matrix effects appeared to be dependent on the chemical class of the compounds. For the alcohol, the main effect on both equilibrium partitioning and mass transfer across the interface was ascribed to a salting effect. In the opposite, for esters, iota-carrageenan addition induced an increase of aroma retention and also a slower transfer across the interface. The respective effects of an increasing viscosity of the medium and of the formation of a tridimensionnal network are discussed.

Product Number
Product Description

Ethyl hexanoate, ≥99%
Ethyl hexanoate, ≥98%, FCC, FG
Ethyl hexanoate, natural, ≥98%, FCC, FG