  • Efficacy of triclosan-based toothpastes in the prevention and treatment of plaque-induced periodontal and peri-implant diseases.

Efficacy of triclosan-based toothpastes in the prevention and treatment of plaque-induced periodontal and peri-implant diseases.

Minerva stomatologica (2013-03-23)
L Trombelli, R Farina

To evaluate the efficacy of triclosan (T)-based toothpaste formulations in the prevention and treatment of plaque-induced periodontal and peri-implant diseases. A review of the existing literature was conducted with a systematic approach in order to retrieve pertinent articles. i) Compared with a control fluoride dentifrice, a fluoride dentifrice containing T formulations provides a more effective level of plaque control and gingival health in patients affected by gingivitis; ii) 0.3% T/2% copolymer/0.243% NaF formulation and 0.3% T/0.13% Ca glicerophosphate/1000 ppm F toothpaste in a natural Ca carbonate base seem the most effective T-based toothpaste formulations in controlling plaque and gingival inflammation in patients with gingivitis or mild/moderate periodontitis over a 6-month period; iii) 0.3% T/2% copolymer/0.243% NaF toothpaste formulation can reduce clinical attachment loss in young adolescents when compared with a 0.243% NaF toothpaste formulation, the magnitude of the difference being greater for patients with deep periodontal pockets at baseline; iv) 0.3% T/2% copolymer/0.243% NaF toothpaste formulation is either similarly or more efficacious in preventing the progression/recurrence of periodontal destruction when compared to a conventional fluoride toothpaste; v) 0.3% T/2% copolymer/0.243% NaF toothpaste formulation seems to be more effective than a fluoride toothpaste formulation in controlling the severity of mucosal inflammation, the incidence of mucosal bleeding as well as reducing probing pocket depth around dental implants.

Product Number
Product Description

Triclosan, 97.0-103.0% (active substance, GC)
Triclosan, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material