  • CBS 844ins68, MTHFR TT677 and EPCR 4031ins23 genotypes in patients with deep-vein thrombosis.

CBS 844ins68, MTHFR TT677 and EPCR 4031ins23 genotypes in patients with deep-vein thrombosis.

Thrombosis research (2002-11-05)
Ralf Grossmann, Stefan Schwender, Ulrich Geisen, Christian Schambeck, Gabriela Merati, Ulrich Walter

The role of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) TT677 genotype, cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) 844ins68 mutation and endothelial cell protein C receptor (EPCR) 4031ins23 in the development of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) was investigated in 300 consecutive DVT patients and 410 healthy blood donors. MTHFR TT677 was found in 40 (13.3%) patients and in 59 (14.4%) controls (OR 0.92; 95% C.I. 0.54-1.41); CBS 844ins68 in 20 (6.7%) patients and in 56 (13.7%) control subjects (OR 0.45; 95% C.I. 0.27-0.77); and the combination of MTHFR TT677 with CBS 844ins68 in 4 (1.3%) patients and in 7 (1.7%) controls (OR 0.78; 95% C.I. 0.23-2.68). Logistic regression analysis did not show a further increase of risk for MTHFR TT677 or CBS 844ins68 in combination with the factor V Leiden or the prothrombin gene G20210A mutations. The EPCR 4031ins23 was observed in 2 patients (0.66%) and none of the controls. In conclusion, MTHFR TT677 does not appear to be an important risk factor for DVT, EPCR 403ins23 seems to be very rare, its role in the development of DVT unclear. A putative protective effect of CBS 844ins68 should be further investigated.