
Surfactant-Induced Artifacts during Proteomic Sample Preparation.

Analytical chemistry (2015-05-07)
Yuhuan Ji, Minjing Liu, Markus M Bachschmid, Catherine E Costello, Cheng Lin

Bottom-up proteomics is a powerful tool for characterization of protein post-translational modifications (PTMs), where PTMs are identified at the peptide level by mass spectrometry (MS) following protein digestion. However, enzymatic digestion is associated with additional sample processing steps that may potentially introduce artifactual modifications. Here, during an MS study of the PTMs of the regulator of G-protein signaling 4, we discovered that the use of ProteaseMAX, which is an acid-labile surfactant commonly used to improve protein solubilization and digestion efficiency, can lead to in vitro modifications on cysteine residues. These hydrophobic modifications resemble S-palmitoylation and hydroxyfarnesylation, thus discouraging the use of ProteaseMAX in studies of lipid modifications of proteins. Furthermore, since they target the cysteine thiol group, the presence of these artifacts will inevitably lead to inaccuracies in quantitative analysis of cysteine modifications.

Product Number
Product Description

Trioctylphosphine, technical grade, 90%
Trioctylphosphine, 97%