
Insulin-like growth factor-I receptor in human oral cancer.

Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Bialymstoku (1995) (2005-01-11)
J Reszeć, E Duraj, M Koda, B Musiatowicz, M Sulkowska

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the expression of IGF-IR in primary tumours and lymph node metastases of oral cancers and the correlation between expression of IGF-IR and some clinicopathological features. Fifty-seven (57) oral cancers were examined by immunohistochemical studies, using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method. Our study included only oral cancers, classified histopathologically as squamous cell carcinoma (7 cases in G1 grade, 44 (G2) and 6 (G3); 23/pT1 stage, 18/pT2, 7/pT3 and 9/pT4). Positive immunostaining for IGF-IR was noted in 32, out of 57 (56.1%) of oral tumours. We found a tendency (p=0.081) toward an association between IGF-IR expression in the primary tumours and their stage (pT3 and pT4). A comparison between the primary tumours and matching lymph node metastases revealed that 13, out of 20, (65%) cases showed a convergence between primary tumours and matching lymph node metastases with regard to either negative or positive staining.