  • Multiple proteins are involved in the protein-DNA complex in the proximal promoter of the human alpha1(III) collagen gene (COL3A1).

Multiple proteins are involved in the protein-DNA complex in the proximal promoter of the human alpha1(III) collagen gene (COL3A1).

Biochimica et biophysica acta (2005-05-17)
Tomoaki Yoshino, Hideaki Sumiyoshi, Toshitaka Shin, Noritaka Matsuo, Yutaka Inagaki, Yoshifumi Ninomiya, Hidekatsu Yoshioka

We have characterized the proximal promoter of the human alpha1(III) collagen gene (COL3A1). Transient transfection assays using a series of chimeric constructs linked to the luciferase gene indicated that the segment from -96 to -34 is necessary to activate transcription. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) showed that the multiple proteins form the DNA-protein complex in different combinations depending on the cell types. A competition assay using mutant oligonucleotides showed that the sequence 5'-GCTCTCATATTTCAGAA-3' (-79 to -63 bp) is critical for DNA-protein complex formation. This sequence is contained in the B element of mouse alpha1(III) collagen gene (Col3a1) reported by Ruteshouse and de Crombrugghe (J. Biol. Chem., 1993). In the rhabdomyosarcoma cell line, A204, at least two proteins of 92-118 kDa and 40-52 kDa are involved in the DNA-protein complex bound to this motif.