  • Excess centrosomes disrupt vascular lumenization and endothelial cell adherens junctions.

Excess centrosomes disrupt vascular lumenization and endothelial cell adherens junctions.

Angiogenesis (2020-07-24)
Danielle B Buglak, Erich J Kushner, Allison P Marvin, Katy L Davis, Victoria L Bautch

Proper blood vessel formation requires coordinated changes in endothelial cell polarity and rearrangement of cell-cell junctions to form a functional lumen. One important regulator of cell polarity is the centrosome, which acts as a microtubule organizing center. Excess centrosomes perturb aspects of endothelial cell polarity linked to migration, but whether centrosome number influences apical-basal polarity and cell-cell junctions is unknown. Here, we show that excess centrosomes alter the apical-basal polarity of endothelial cells in angiogenic sprouts and disrupt endothelial cell-cell adherens junctions. Endothelial cells with excess centrosomes had narrower lumens in a 3D sprouting angiogenesis model, and zebrafish intersegmental vessels had reduced perfusion following centrosome overduplication. These results indicate that endothelial cell centrosome number regulates proper lumenization downstream of effects on apical-basal polarity and cell-cell junctions. Endothelial cells with excess centrosomes are prevalent in tumor vessels, suggesting how centrosomes may contribute to tumor vessel dysfunction.

Product Number
Product Description

Anti-γ-Tubulin antibody, Mouse monoclonal, clone GTU-88, ascites fluid
Anti-ZO-1 Antibody, clone 5G6.1, clone 5G6.1, from mouse