  • Switching to the cyclic pentose phosphate pathway powers the oxidative burst in activated neutrophils.

Switching to the cyclic pentose phosphate pathway powers the oxidative burst in activated neutrophils.

Nature metabolism (2022-03-30)
Emily C Britt, Jorgo Lika, Morgan A Giese, Taylor J Schoen, Gretchen L Seim, Zhengping Huang, Pui Y Lee, Anna Huttenlocher, Jing Fan

Neutrophils are cells at the frontline of innate immunity that can quickly activate effector functions to eliminate pathogens upon stimulation. However, little is known about the metabolic adaptations that power these functions. Here we show rapid metabolic alterations in neutrophils upon activation, particularly drastic reconfiguration around the pentose phosphate pathway, which is specifically and quantitatively coupled to an oxidative burst. During this oxidative burst, neutrophils switch from glycolysis-dominant metabolism to a unique metabolic mode termed 'pentose cycle', where all glucose-6-phosphate is diverted into oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and net flux through upper glycolysis is reversed to allow substantial recycling of pentose phosphates. This reconfiguration maximizes NADPH yield to fuel superoxide production via NADPH oxidase. Disruptions of pentose cycle greatly suppress oxidative burst, the release of neutrophil extracellular traps and pathogen killing by neutrophils. Together, these results demonstrate the remarkable metabolic flexibility of neutrophils, which is essential for their functions as the first responders in innate immunity.

Product Number
Product Description

Diphenyleneiodonium chloride, ≥98%
Human Serum, from human male AB plasma, USA origin, sterile-filtered