  • Effect of tuamine, heptaminol and two analogues on uptake and release of catecholamines in cultured chromaffin cells.

Effect of tuamine, heptaminol and two analogues on uptake and release of catecholamines in cultured chromaffin cells.

Biochemical pharmacology (1990-08-15)
E G Delicado, M D Fideu, M T Miras-Portugal, B Pourrias, D Aunis

The effects of tuamine (1-methylhexylamine), a sympathomimetic compound with hypertensive properties, heptaminol (6-amino-2-methyl-2-heptanol), an aliphatic amine with pressor properties, and two structural analogues of tuamine on high-affinity Na(+)-dependent noradrenaline uptake and on nicotine-evoked release were examined in bovine chromaffin cells maintained in primary culture for 3 to 6 days. Tuamine was found to be a potent competitive inhibitor of noradrenaline uptake with an effect similar to that of cocaine. Its inhibition constant (Ki) was 1.1 +/- 0.1 microM while Ki values of heptaminol, of 1-methylamino-5-pentanol oxalate and of 5-amino-2-methylhexanol oxalate, which were also found to be competitive inhibitors of noradrenaline uptake, were 60 +/- 2 microM, 260 +/- 28 microM and 48 +/- 76 microM, respectively. Tuamine, hepataminol and 5-amino-2-methyl-2-hexanol were also shown to be inhibitors of nicotine-induced release of catecholamines, with IC50 values of 26 +/- 2 microM, 650 +/- 11 microM and 500 +/- 10 microM, respectively. Tuamine and hepataminol did not inhibit noradrenaline release evoked by 59 mM K+, suggesting that it acts at a step prior to calcium entry. The pharmacological properties of heptaminol as an anti-hypotension agent may partially account for its inhibitory effect on catecholamine uptake and release.


Heptaminol hydrochloride, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard