  • The investigation of allele and genotype frequencies of human C3 (rs2230199) in south Iranian population.

The investigation of allele and genotype frequencies of human C3 (rs2230199) in south Iranian population.

Molecular biology reports (2012-06-22)
Najmeh Bazyar, Negar Azarpira, Saied Reza Khatami, Hamid Galehdari

The complement system is an important mediator of natural and acquired immunity. The complement system genes coding complement proteins have polymorphisms. Hereditary deficiencies of this system predispose to autoimmune conditions such as age-dependent macular degeneration or impairment of immunity against microorganisms. When different populations are compared, the frequency of complement polymorphism shows a very marked geographical distribution. The frequency of the functional polymorphism rs2230199 (Arg80Gly; C > G) in the C3 gene was determined in population from south of Iran (n = 200), using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). One hundred thirty-eight persons (69 %) were homozygous for C allele (CC or SS); fifty-six person (28 %) heterozygote GC (FS) and six people were homozygous for G allele (GG or FF) (3 %). The allele frequency was 82 % for C3S and 18 % for C3F. A distribution of C3C allele frequency in our population is different from the reports of Asians (100 %); Indians (90-98 %); African-American (93 %); Africans (99 %) and south Brazilian (97 %). However, this finding is similar with the findings Caucasian (80-82 %) ( ); Americans (80 %); Pushtoon, Hazaras, Osbek and Tajik ethnic groups in Afghanistan (88-90 %) and Tunisian population (84 %). Our study confirmed significant inter-ethnic differences in C3 (rs2230199) frequencies between south Iranians and other ethnic groups. The analysis of genetic variation in complement genes is a tool to provide new insights into the evolution of the human immune system.