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Surface-enhanced Solar Energy Conversion Systems Using Gold and Silver Nanoparticles
Sustainable, environment-friendly, and clean energy sources with sufficiently high production efficiency for practical application are highly desirable to meet the energy challenge of the 21st century due to the world′s increasing energy demand.
Sensitivity Lateral Flow Diagnostic Assays
Steven J. Oldenburg, Ph.D. provides an overview of lateral flow diagnostic assays and discusses the use of ultra-bright reporter particles based on the unique optical properties of gold nanoshells that significantly increase the sensitivity of lateral flow immunoassays.
Gold Nanoparticles: Properties and Applications
Gold (Au) nanoparticles have tunable optical and electronic properties and are used in a number of applications including photovoltaics, sensors, drug delivery & catalysis.
2D Materials Matter: A Perspective on Biosensing Applications
Professor Ebrahimi and Professor Robinson (Pennsylvania State University, USA) summarize recent advances in the synthesis of these 2D materials, resulting material properties, and related applications in biosensing of neurotransmitters, metabolites, proteins, nucleic acids, bacterial cells, and heavy metals.
Precise Nanoparticles for Optoelectronics Applications
Inorganic nanomaterials are tunable by size, shape, structure, and/or composition. Advances in the synthesis of well-defined nanomaterials have enabled control over their unique optical, electronic, and chemical properties stimulating tremendous interest across a wide range of disciplines. This article illuminates