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3D打印石墨烯墨水:Creating Electronic and Biomedical Structures and Devices
3D Printing of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composites
3D printing is a type of additive manufacturing that can be used to rapidly fabricate components with highly customizable geometries.
Organic Bioelectronic Materials and Devices for Bridging Biology and Traditional Electronics
Professor Rivnay (Northwestern University, USA) discusses using organic mixed conductors as an alternative to efficiently bridge the ionic world of biology with contemporary microelectronics.
Fluorescence Quenching Microscopy: Imaging Two-Dimensional Materials
Developed in the last several years, fluorescence quenching microscopy (FQM) has enabled rapid, inexpensive, and high-fidelity visualization of two-dimensional (2D) materials such as graphene-based sheets and MoS2.
Recent Progress on Nonviral Delivery Carriers for CRISPR/Cas9 Systems
The CRISPR/Cas9 system has recently emerged as a highly specific, efficient, and versatile gene editing technology that can be utilized to build disease models and correct diseased genes. Safe and effective delivery vectors for the CRISPR/Cas9 system are in critical
2D Materials Matter: A Perspective on Biosensing Applications
Professor Ebrahimi and Professor Robinson (Pennsylvania State University, USA) summarize recent advances in the synthesis of these 2D materials, resulting material properties, and related applications in biosensing of neurotransmitters, metabolites, proteins, nucleic acids, bacterial cells, and heavy metals.
Graphene Nanoribbons: Production and Applications
Graphene is a one-atomic-layer thick two-dimensional material made of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb structure. Its fascinating electrical, optical, and mechanical properties ignited enormous interdisciplinary interest from the physics, chemistry, and materials science fields.
3D Printing Graphene Ink: Creating Electronic and Biomedical Structures and Devices
Since its discovery little more than a decade ago,1 the two-dimensional (2D) allotrope of carbon—graphene—has been the subject of intense multidisciplinary research efforts.
Novel Graphene‑Based Nanostructures Production, Functionalization, and Engineering
Novel Graphene‑Based Nanostructures Production, Functionalization, and Engineering
Graphene in Biotechnology
Graphene is the building block for carbon nanomaterials with different dimensionalities.
Synthesis and Applications of Graphene Nanoribbons Synthesized
Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are quasi-one-dimensional narrow strips of graphene comprised of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms arranged into hexagonal honeycomb lattice configurations.
Molybdenum Disulfide: Understanding Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis
The production of hydrogen by catalytic water splitting is important for a wide range of industries including renewable energy petroleum refining and for the production of methanol and ammonia in the chemical industry.
Recent Advances in Scalable Synthesis and Processing of Two-Dimensional Materials
Advances in scalable synthesis and processing of two-dimensional materials