  • Berberine Maintains the Neutrophil N1 Phenotype to Reverse Cancer Cell Resistance to Doxorubicin.

Berberine Maintains the Neutrophil N1 Phenotype to Reverse Cancer Cell Resistance to Doxorubicin.

Frontiers in pharmacology (2020-02-18)
Shuhui Zhang, Lin Zhou, Mengdi Zhang, Yuehua Wang, Mengqi Wang, Jincheng Du, Wenwen Gu, Fuguang Kui, Jiahuan Li, Shengnan Geng, Gangjun Du

This study explores the contributions of neutrophils to chemotherapeutic resistance and berberine-regulated cancer cell sensitivity to doxorubicin (DOX). In vitro experiments, continuous DOX treatment led to the shift of HL-60 cells to N2 neutrophils and thus induced chemotherapeutic resistance. The combination treatment with DOX and 2 µM berberine resulted in the differentiation of HL-60 cells toward N1 and therefore stimulated HL-60 cell immune clearance. Berberine increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreased autophagy and therefore induced apoptosis in HL-60-N2 cells with morphological changes, but had no effect on cell viability in HL-60-N1 cells. The neutrophil-regulating efficacy of berberine was confirmed in the urethane-induced lung carcinogenic model and H22 liver cancer allograft model. Furthermore, we found that DOX-derived neutrophils had high levels of CD133 and CD309 surface expression, which prevented both chemotherapeutic sensitivity and immune rejection by self-expression of PD-L1 and surface expression of PD-1 receptor on T cells, whereas berberine could downregulate CD133 and CD309 surface expression. Finally, berberine-relevant targets and pathways were evaluated. This study first suggests an important role of berberine in regulating neutrophil phenotypes to maintain cancer cell sensitivity to DOX.

Product Number
Product Description

TGF-β1, Human, Recombinant, CHO Cell Line
Nitrotetrazolium Blue chloride, ≥90.0% (HPLC)
2-Phenylindole, technical grade, 95%
DAPI ready made solution with Antifade, For Nuclear counterstain in Fluorescence Microscopy
Urethane, ≥99%