  • Is there a difference in outcome (long-term recurrence rate) between emergency and elective pilonidal sinus surgery?

Is there a difference in outcome (long-term recurrence rate) between emergency and elective pilonidal sinus surgery?

Minerva chirurgica (2013-04-25)
D Doll, T Evers, B Krapohl, E Matevossian

The influence of surgical craftsmanship and decision making on long-term recurrence rate has not been investigated yet. A total of 586 patients with surgery for primary pilonidal sinus disease were subjected to a telephone interview 7-25 years after surgery to determine 10- and 20 year recurrence rate using Kaplan Meier Statistics. Results show that 546 patients had elective surgery showing a recurrence rate of 23.1% (actuarial 10.6-17% after 5-10 years). Forty patients had urgent off-time surgery with crude long-term recurrence rate 30%; actuarial 25.6-28.9% after 5-10 years); P=0.028; logrank. Mind bogglingly, Methylene blue application was dramatically reduced in the urgent group compared to the elective group, although Methylene blue is known to halve recurrence rate. Surgical craftsmanship quality was identical in elective and urgent pilonidal sinus surgery with comparable long-term recurrence rate. Decision making was markedly biased in urgent off-time pilonidal sinus surgery, counteracting the good long-term recurrence rate enabled by proper surgical craftsmanship.

Product Number
Product Description

Methylene Blue solution, for microscopy, concentrate according to Ehrlich, concentrated, aqueous solution
Methylene Blue solution, suitable for microbiology
Methylene Blue solution, for microscopy