  • Chromosome orientation fluorescence in situ hybridization to study sister chromatid segregation in vivo.

Chromosome orientation fluorescence in situ hybridization to study sister chromatid segregation in vivo.

Nature protocols (2010-07-03)
Ester Falconer, Elizabeth Chavez, Alexander Henderson, Peter M Lansdorp

Previously, assays for sister chromatid segregation patterns relied on incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and indirect methods to infer segregation patterns after two cell divisions. In this study, we describe a method to differentially label sister chromatids of mouse cells and to directly assay sister chromatid segregation patterns after one cell division in vitro and in vivo by adaptation of the well-established CO-FISH technique. BrdU is incorporated into newly formed DNA strands, which are then subjected to photolysis and exonuclease digestion to create single-stranded sister chromatids containing parental template DNA only. Such single-stranded sister chromatids are differentially labeled using unidirectional probes to major satellite sequences coupled to fluorescent markers. Differentially labeled sister chromatids in postmitotic cells are visualized using fluorescence microscopy, and sister chromatid segregation patterns can be directly assayed after one cell division. This procedure requires 4 d for in vivo mouse tissues and 2 d for in vitro-cultured cells.


DAPI, for nucleic acid staining
胃蛋白酶 来源于猪胃粘膜, powder, ≥250 units/mg solid
氯化镁 六水合物, ACS reagent, 99.0-102.0%