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以下操作步骤已接受Ficoll-Paque PLUS评估,推荐用于分离正常血样以尽可能提高可重现性。
Over the past several years, the Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling of silicon compounds (Hiyama coupling) has rapidly gained acceptance as a suitable alternative to more commonly used methods such as Stille (Sn), Kumada (Mg), Suzuki (B), and Negishi cross-couplings (Zn).
Simplified LC-MS/MS Method for Glyphosate, AMPA, and Glufosinate in Oat-Based Cereals
A simplified LC-MS/MS method to determine glyphosate and related compounds using a Supel™ Carbon LC U/HPLC column for stability under higher pH conditions and sufficient retention for the polar analytes in the presence of methanol as an extraction solvent.
Pressure-Temperature Calculator for Solvents
Use the calculator to determine the boiling point or pressure of solvents based on the Antoine Equation and see solvent attributes. View a list of products based on the solvent CAS number.
Properties of Mononuclear Cells Isolated by the Ficoll-Paque Method
The effects of the mononuclear cell separation method described by Bøyum procedure are noted below, since research situations may arise in which they are significant.
Recommended Standard Method for Isolating Mononuclear Cells
The following procedure has been evaluated with Ficoll-Paque PLUS and is recommended for separation of normal blood samples for maximum reproducibility.
PCR/qPCR/dPCR Assay Design
The entire PCR workflow is vulnerable to factors which introduce variability. Many of the variable components are unavoidable, such as the source of the sample or the requirement for a reverse transcription step. Assay design is also highly variable and