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显示 1-30 共 832 条结果 关于 "A2153" 范围 论文
Nada H Eisa et al.
Bone, 153, 116154-116154 (2021-08-18)
Age-associated osteoporosis is widely accepted as involving the disruption of osteogenic stem cell populations and their functioning. Maintenance of the local bone marrow (BM) microenvironment is critical for regulating proliferation and differentiation of the multipotent BM mesenchymal stromal/stem cell (BMSC)
Karen Zwaenepoel et al.
BMC genomics, 9, 393-393 (2008-08-22)
Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a serine/threonine-specific phosphatase displaying vital functions in growth and development through its role in various signalling pathways. PP2A holoenzymes comprise a core dimer composed of a catalytic C and a structural A subunit, which can
Robert Kumagai et al.
Free radical biology & medicine, 47(5), 600-607 (2009-06-09)
Although the glycocalyx has been implicated in wall shear stress (WSS) mechanotransduction, the role of glycocalyx components in nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production remains unclear. Here, we tested the hypothesis that glycocalyx is implicated in both
Chensheng Zhao et al.
Cell biology international, 45(2), 463-476 (2020-11-29)
Epilepsy was characterized by the occurrence of spontaneous recurrent epileptiform discharges (SREDs) in neurons. Previous studies suggested that microRNA (miR)-139-5p and the Notch pathway were implicated in epilepsy; however, their interaction remained vague. Rat primary hippocampal neurons were isolated and
Shinji Fujimoto et al.
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 28(3), 506-515 (2007-10-18)
Thrombin and plasmin are serine proteases involved in blood coagulation and fibrinolysis, whose precursors are circulating in blood stream. These blood-derived proteases might play important roles in the pathogenesis of intracerebral hemorrhage by acting on brain parenchymal cells. We previously
Yoon Young Kim et al.
Yonsei medical journal, 49(5), 819-827 (2008-10-31)
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can proliferate for a prolonged period and differentiate into cardiomyocytes in vitro. Recent studies used bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) to generate cardiomyocytes from hESCs, however, all those studies used early embryoid bodies (EBs) and
Marina L Mokrishcheva et al.
BMC evolutionary biology, 11, 35-35 (2011-02-05)
The discovery of restriction endonucleases and modification DNA methyltransferases, key instruments of genetic engineering, opened a new era of molecular biology through development of the recombinant DNA technology. Today, the number of potential proteins assigned to type II restriction enzymes
Ekkaphot Khongkla et al.
Cellular and molecular neurobiology (2021-06-02)
The Cath.a-differentiated (CAD) cell line is a central nervous system-derived catecholaminergic cell line originating from tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-producing neurons located around the locus coeruleus area of the mouse brain. CAD cells have been used as an in vitro model for
Icaro Putinhon Caruso et al.
International journal of biological macromolecules, 203, 466-480 (2022-01-26)
The SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (N) is a multifunctional promiscuous nucleic acid-binding protein, which plays a major role in nucleocapsid assembly and discontinuous RNA transcription, facilitating the template switch of transcriptional regulatory sequences (TRS). Here, we dissect the structural features of
Fabian U Zwettler et al.
Nature communications, 11(1), 3222-3222 (2020-06-28)
The synaptonemal complex (SC) is a meiosis-specific nuclear multiprotein complex that is essential for proper synapsis, recombination and segregation of homologous chromosomes. We combined structured illumination microscopy (SIM) with different expansion microscopy (ExM) protocols including U-ExM, proExM, and magnified analysis
Bianca Santos Henriques et al.
Frontiers in physiology, 11, 509310-509310 (2021-02-02)
Rhodnius prolixus is one important vector for the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi in Latin America, where Chagas disease is a significant health issue. Although R. prolixus is a model for investigations of vector-parasite interaction and transmission, not much has been done
Menglu Li et al.
Communications biology, 5(1), 778-778 (2022-08-23)
Although investigating drug modulation of cytochrome P450 (CYP) activity under physiological conditions is crucial in drug development to avoid severe adverse drug reactions, the current evaluation approaches that rely on the destructive and end-point analysis can be misleading due to
Sarkawt Hamad et al.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2454, 145-161 (2021-10-20)
Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) can be expanded at limitless scale in vitro and give rise to various organotypic cells, cardiomyocytes (CMs) among them. Advanced protocols shape the differentiation process of pluripotent stem cells by controlled growth factor application.
Özgür Tarhan et al.
Biotechnology progress, 37(3), e3127-e3127 (2021-01-20)
Partial hydrolysis of whey-based α-lactalbumin (α-La) with Bacillus licheniformis protease (BLP) induces the formation of nanotubular structures in the presence of calcium ions by a self-assembly process. α-La nanotubes (α-LaNTs) exist in the form of regular hollow strands with well-defined
Barbara Roda et al.
Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 11(5) (2022-05-29)
(1) Background: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a widely recognized gasotransmitter, with key roles in physiological and pathological processes. The accurate quantification of H2S and reactive sulfur species (RSS) may hold important implications for the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases. However
Weipang Chang et al.
Scientific reports, 11(1), 18408-18408 (2021-09-17)
Purkinje cells are critically involved in processing the cerebellar functions by shaping and coordinating commands that they receive. Here, we demonstrate experimentally that in the adult zebrafish valvular part of the cerebellum, the Purkinje cells exhibited variable firing and functional
Felipe Ortega et al.
Nature protocols, 6(12), 1847-1859 (2011-11-05)
A comprehensive understanding of the cell biology of adult neural stem cells (aNSCs) requires direct observation of aNSC division and lineage progression in the absence of niche-dependent signals. Here we describe a culture preparation of the adult mouse subependymal zone
Snigdha Guha et al.
Nutrients, 13(5) (2021-05-01)
The present study analyzed the transepithelial transport of the dietary anti-inflammatory peptide, γ-glutamyl valine (γ-EV). γ-EV is naturally found in dry edible beans. Our previous study demonstrated the anti-inflammatory potency of γ-EV against vascular inflammation at a concentration of 1mM
Hidehiro Watanabe et al.
The Journal of comparative neurology, 522(2), 414-434 (2013-07-16)
The antennae of insects contain a vast array of sensory neurons that process olfactory, gustatory, mechanosensory, hygrosensory, and thermosensory information. Except those with multimodal functions, most sensory neurons use acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter. Using immunohistochemistry combined with retrograde staining of
Nora John et al.
STAR protocols, 3(1), 101093-101093 (2022-05-11)
Zebrafish regenerate their spinal cord after injury, both at larval and adult stages. Larval zebrafish have emerged as a powerful model system to study spinal cord injury and regeneration due to their high optical transparency for in vivo imaging, amenability to
Kwok Ki Ho et al.
Biochemical pharmacology, 76(5), 690-696 (2008-07-24)
Cyclophosphamides are pro-drugs whose killing agent is produced from an aldehyde that is formed by the action of a P450 oxidation step. The mustard from the aldehyde can destroy bone marrow cells as well as the tumor. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (EC
Weiwen Zheng et al.
The New phytologist, 181(1), 53-61 (2008-12-17)
The nitrogen-fixing symbiosis between cyanobacteria and the water fern Azolla microphylla is, in contrast to other cyanobacteria-plant symbioses, the only one of a perpetual nature. The cyanobacterium is vertically transmitted between the plant generations, via vegetative fragmentation of the host
Vladimir Grubišić et al.
Cell reports, 32(10), 108100-108100 (2020-09-10)
Mechanisms resulting in abdominal pain include altered neuro-immune interactions in the gastrointestinal tract, but the signaling processes that link immune activation with visceral hypersensitivity are unresolved. We hypothesized that enteric glia link the neural and immune systems of the gut
Adriano Bolondi et al.
Bio-protocol, 11(11), e4042-e4042 (2021-07-13)
Post-implantation mammalian embryogenesis involves profound molecular, cellular, and morphogenetic changes. The study of these highly dynamic processes is complicated by the limited accessibility of in utero development. In recent years, several complementary in vitro systems comprising self-organized assemblies of mouse
Natalie C Johnson et al.
Environmental science & technology, 42(15), 5772-5778 (2008-08-30)
The projected increase in the use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) motivates the development of methods to manage consumer exposure to mercury and its environmental release at the end of lamp life. This work characterizes the time-resolved release of mercury
Bijay K Sah et al.
Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 159, 696-704 (2017-09-05)
Successive compression-decompression cycles of the surface pressure (π) - specific molecular area (A) isotherms of protein (BSA) monolayers show that reversible hysteresis persists if the protein molecules contain effective positive or negative surface charges. However, for neutral condition, i.e., close
The Triterpenoid Nrf2 Activator, CDDO-Me, Decreases Neutrophil Senescence in a Murine Model of Joint Damage.
Amirova, et al.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (2023)
Barbara Pernaute et al.
Developmental cell, 57(11), 1316-1330 (2022-05-22)
The changes that drive differentiation facilitate the emergence of abnormal cells that need to be removed before they contribute to further development or the germline. Consequently, in mice in the lead-up to gastrulation, ∼35% of embryonic cells are eliminated. This
Daniela Sotomayor-Gerding et al.
Polymers, 14(23) (2022-12-12)
The development of fish oral vaccines is of great interest to the aquaculture industry due to the possibility of rapid vaccination of a large number of animals at reduced cost. In a previous study, we evaluated the effect of alginate-encapsulated
Thomas R Cheever et al.
PloS one, 6(3), e17768-e17768 (2011-03-30)
The proper localization of ß-actin mRNA and protein is essential for growth cone guidance and axon elongation in cultured neurons. In addition, decreased levels of ß-actin mRNA and protein have been identified in the growth cones of motor neurons cultured