  • [Effect of bromfenvinphos (IPO-62) on changes in the apical dendritic spines of the cortical pyramidal neurons of the rat].

[Effect of bromfenvinphos (IPO-62) on changes in the apical dendritic spines of the cortical pyramidal neurons of the rat].

Medycyna pracy (1983-01-01)
K Grottel, M Kontek, R Junik

The rats (control group--6 animals, experimental group I--13, experimental group II--8) of inbred Wistar/W Bog strain, were orally administered 84,6% technical concentrate IPO-62 (bromphenvinphose) dissolved in olive oil and next the spines on apical cortex dendrites were evaluated. Statistically significant loss of dendritic spines was found both in group I (IPO-62 daily dose from 3 to 12 mg per 1 kg of body weight during 58 days) and in group II (IPO-62 daily dose--12 mg per 1 kg/body weight for 5 days and 18 mg/kg body weight for 4 days).