
Towards a mitogenomic phylogeny of Lepidoptera.

Molecular phylogenetics and evolution (2014-06-10)
Martijn J T N Timmermans, David C Lees, Thomas J Simonsen

The backbone phylogeny of Lepidoptera remains unresolved, despite strenuous recent morphological and molecular efforts. Molecular studies have focused on nuclear protein coding genes, sometimes adding a single mitochondrial gene. Recent advances in sequencing technology have, however, made acquisition of entire mitochondrial genomes both practical and economically viable. Prior phylogenetic studies utilised just eight of 43 currently recognised lepidopteran superfamilies. Here, we add 23 full and six partial mitochondrial genomes (comprising 22 superfamilies of which 16 are newly represented) to those publically available for a total of 24 superfamilies and ask whether such a sample can resolve deeper lepidopteran phylogeny. Using recoded datasets we obtain topologies that are highly congruent with prior nuclear and/or morphological studies. Our study shows support for an expanded Obtectomera including Gelechioidea, Thyridoidea, plume moths (Alucitoidea and Pterophoroidea; possibly along with Epermenioidea), Papilionoidea, Pyraloidea, Mimallonoidea and Macroheterocera. Regarding other controversially positioned higher taxa, Doidae is supported within the new concept of Drepanoidea and Mimallonidae sister to (or part of) Macroheterocera, while among Nymphalidae butterflies, Danainae and not Libytheinae are sister to the remainder of the family. At the deepest level, we suggest that a tRNA rearrangement occurred at a node between Adeloidea and Ditrysia+Palaephatidae+Tischeriidae.


核糖核酸,转移 来源于大肠杆菌, Type XX, Strain W, lyophilized powder
核糖核酸,转移 来源于面包酵母(酿酒酵母), Type X-SA, lyophilized powder
核糖核酸,转移 来源于面包酵母(酿酒酵母), buffered aqueous solution
核糖核酸,转移 来源于面包酵母(酿酒酵母), buffered aqueous solution
Ribonucleic acid, transfer from bovine liver, Type XI, lyophilized powder
核糖核酸,转移 来源于小麦胚芽, Type V, 15-19 units/mg solid