  • CYP2B6 genetic variants are associated with nevirapine pharmacokinetics and clinical response in HIV-1-infected children.

CYP2B6 genetic variants are associated with nevirapine pharmacokinetics and clinical response in HIV-1-infected children.

AIDS (London, England) (2007-12-20)
Akihiko Saitoh, Elizabeth Sarles, Edmund Capparelli, Francesca Aweeka, Andrea Kovacs, Sandra K Burchett, Andrew Wiznia, Sharon Nachman, Terence Fenton, Stephen A Spector

Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6)-G516T genotype is associated with altered activity of hepatic CYP2B6 and efavirenz pharmacokinetics, but the relationship between the CYP2B6-G516T genotype and nevirapine (NVP) pharmacokinetics in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is limited. In 126 children who received NVP and protease inhibitors from PACTG 366 and 377 cohorts, CYP2B6 and ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B, member 1 (ABCB1) gene polymorphisms were analyzed using real-time PCR. Plasma NVP pharmacokinetics and clinical data were collected and levels of NVP in CSF were evaluated in children with HIV-related neurologic diseases. NVP oral clearance in children with the CYP2B6-516-T/T genotype (homozygous variant, n = 14) was 1.6 l/h per m2, which was significantly decreased compared to 2.3 l/h per m2 in those with the -G/G (wild type, n = 49, P = 0.002) and 2.1 l/h per m2 in those with the -G/T genotype (heterozygous variants, n = 63, P = 0.008). Furthermore, children with the -T/T genotype had a significant increase in CD4+ T-cell percentage (+9.0%) compared with those with the -G/G (+3.2%, P = 0.01) and -G/T genotype (+5.0%, P = 0.04) from baseline to week 12. The same trend continued at week 24. Although ABCB1-C3435T genotypes did not affect plasma NVP pharmacokinetics (P = 0.39), the NVP CSF: plasma ratios were significantly higher in children with the ABCB1-3435-C/T or -T/T genotypes (0.62, n = 9) in comparison with those with the ABCB1-3435-C/C genotype (0.43, n = 5) (P = 0.01). The CYP2B6-G516T genotype alters NVP pharmacokinetics and the immunologic response to NVP-containing HAART regimens in children. These data suggest that the CYP2B6-G516T is an important genetic variant that alters the pharmacokinetics and response to HAART regimens containing NVP.