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Showing 1-5 of 5 results for "706493ALDRICH" within Site Content
The Savannah ALD System - An Excellent Tool for Atomic Layer Deposition presents an article regarding the savannah ALD system - an excellent tool for atomic layer deposition.
Nanocomposite Coatings with Tunable Properties Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition
Nanocomposite Coatings with Tunable Properties Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition
Bio-Inspired “Green” Synthesis of Nanomaterials and their Applications
Silica is a very popular inorganic nanomaterial used in a wide range of applications including fillers for rubber, catalyst supports, separation media, carriers in food and agriculture, and abrasive/anticaking agents in cosmetics. It is also widely believed to be an
High Purity Metalorganic Precursors for CPV Device Fabrication
High Purity Metalorganic Precursors for CPV Device Fabrication
Nanowire Synthesis: From Top-Down to Bottom-Up
The properties of many devices are limited by the intrinsic properties of the materials that compose them.