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3D打印石墨烯墨水:Creating Electronic and Biomedical Structures and Devices
3D Printing Graphene Ink: Creating Electronic and Biomedical Structures and Devices
Since its discovery little more than a decade ago,1 the two-dimensional (2D) allotrope of carbon—graphene—has been the subject of intense multidisciplinary research efforts.
Synthesis and Applications of Graphene Nanoribbons Synthesized
Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are quasi-one-dimensional narrow strips of graphene comprised of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms arranged into hexagonal honeycomb lattice configurations.
Advancements in the Fabrication of Integrated Organic Electronics
Professor Tokito and Professor Takeda share their new materials, device architecture design principles, and performance optimization protocols for printed and solution-processed, low-cost, highly flexible, organic electronic devices.
Additive Manufacturing of Permanent Magnets
Permanent magnets are an essential technology for energy conversion. Motors and generators are used to convert energy between electrical and mechanical forms.
Recent Advances in Scalable Synthesis and Processing of Two-Dimensional Materials
Advances in scalable synthesis and processing of two-dimensional materials