8-12 Ω/sq
长度 × 宽度 × 厚度
25 mm × 25 mm × 1.1 mm
84% (nominal at 550nm)
n20/D 1.517
InChI key
正在寻找类似产品? 访问 产品对比指南
- 在ITO覆盖的玻璃基底上制备真黑素样品。
- 用于光束偏转(OBD)传感的液体电池的界面窗口包含一个20nm厚的氧化铟锡薄膜。
- 在ITO导电玻璃上形成介孔TiO2 薄膜。
Not applicable
Not applicable
dust mask type N95 (US), Eyeshields, Gloves
Which document(s) contains shelf-life or expiration date information for a given product?
If available for a given product, the recommended re-test date or the expiration date can be found on the Certificate of Analysis.
How do I get lot-specific information or a Certificate of Analysis?
The lot specific COA document can be found by entering the lot number above under the "Documents" section.
How do I find price and availability?
There are several ways to find pricing and availability for our products. Once you log onto our website, you will find the price and availability displayed on the product detail page. You can contact any of our Customer Sales and Service offices to receive a quote. USA customers: 1-800-325-3010 or view local office numbers.
What is the Department of Transportation shipping information for this product?
Transportation information can be found in Section 14 of the product's (M)SDS.To access the shipping information for this material, use the link on the product detail page for the product.
Does Product No. 703192 have ITO coating on both sides?
No, Product No. 703192 has coating on one side only. The best way to identify which side has the coating is to measure the resistivity of the slide. The probes should lightly touch the surface, to minimize any damage to the substrate.
How can Product No. 703192 be cleaned before use?
To clean Product No. 703192, our vendor recommends using a 20% by weight solution of ethanolamine in deionized water, heated to 80 °C in an ultrasonic bath, within an approved fume hood. Immersion of parts in this solution with ultrasonic agitation for a period of 10 to 15 minutes is an efficient method for the removal of any fingerprints, body oils or similar residual organic contaminants. The solution is moderately caustic. Solution vapors can irritate mucous membranes and can cause burns, and should be avoided. Following the immersion cycle, the substrates should be removed and rinsed several times with deionized water, and finally blown dry with a clean, oil-free nitrogen or air source to avoid water spotting. For additional assistance, please contact Technical Services.
Can Product No. 703192 have good electrical contacts attached to it?
Yes, there are a variety of methods for attachment to Product No. 703192. One involves the use of highly conductive silver bus compositions. This can be applied to ITO surface along an edge, for example, and dried or cured, depending on whether the composition is a thermoplastic or thermoset material. The resulting bus bar provides a highly conductive layer in intimate contact with the transparent conductor. The attachment of an alligator clip to the bus bar, while it may penetrate the transparent conductor, will also make excellent contact with the bus material. Since the bus material is several orders of magnitude (from 3 to 5 ) more conductive than the transparent semiconductor, contact resistance is minimized and any voltage drop a this interface becomes negligible. For additional assistance, please contact Technical Services.
Is the ITO applied directly to the glass substrate for product 703192?
No, Product No. 703192 has a SiO2 passivation layer applied directly on the glass prior to ITO coating.
Do you have any information regarding the surface roughness of Product No. 703192?
According to the vendor, Product No. 703192 has a typical surface roughness of <0.15 micrometer/20 mm, peak-to-peak. This value is not measured for every slide, but is an average value.
What is the composition of the glass used for Product No. 703192?
Typical composition of float glass used for Product No. 703192 is 72.6% SiO2, 0.8% B2O3, 1.7% Al2O3, 4.6% CaO, 3.6% MgO, and 15.2% Na2O. These values are not measured for every slide, but are average values.
What is the strain point for Product No. 703192?
The strain point of the float glass used for Product No. 703192 is approximately 523 °C.
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Organic Semiconductor Laser Materials
Professor Shinar highlights low-cost, disposable sensor configurations in organic and hybrid electronics for healthcare applications.
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