  • Androgens regulate MMPs and the cellular processes of intimal hyperplasia.

Androgens regulate MMPs and the cellular processes of intimal hyperplasia.

The Journal of surgical research (2013-06-19)
Deidra J H Mountain, Brian M Freeman, Stacy S Kirkpatrick, John W Beddies, Joshua D Arnold, Michael B Freeman, Mitchell H Goldman, Scott L Stevens, Frederick A Klein, Oscar H Grandas

Testosterone deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of vascular disease. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been implicated in vascular remodeling. Our group has demonstrated an association between female hormones and MMP-modulated intimal hyperplasia. In the present study, we investigated testosterone in the modulation of MMPs and the cellular processes of intimal hyperplasia. Male vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) were treated with a range of testosterone or dihydrotestosterone (DHT) concentrations (0.3-3000 nM). MMPs were assayed using quantitative polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis, and zymography. VSMC migration and proliferation were assayed using Boyden chamber and MTT assays. MT1-MMP gene expression was not affected by low DHT exposure but was downregulated at high levels (3000 nM = 85% ± 3%). TIMP-2 gene expression was downregulated at low DHT exposure (0.3 nM = 82% ± 4%, 3.0 nM = 82% ± 1%) but was not affected at high levels. MMP-2 enzymatic activity was increased at low DHT exposure (3.0 nM = 110% ± 4%) and decreased below basal levels at high doses (300 nM = 91% ± 7%, 3000 nM = 77% ± 8%). High concentrations of DHT decreased VSMC migration (3.0 nM = 72% ± 9%, 30 nM = 50% ± 6%, 300 nM = 47% ± 5%, 3000 nM = 53% ± 6%). Testosterone also decreased migration but had less effect. The highest tested concentration of DHT and testosterone decreased the basal VSMC proliferation (3000 nM = 87% ± 3% and 87% ± 4% respectively). The DHT levels differentially affected the expression of regulatory isoforms responsible for the activation and inhibition of MMP-2, leading to an inverse relationship among the DHT levels, MMP-2 activity, and VSMC migration. In vivo studies will be used to examine testosterone deficiency and supplementation in MMP-modulated intimal hyperplasia in animal models of vascular disease. These studies are needed as a prerequisite to determining whether testosterone replacement in testosterone-deficient men should be evaluated for attenuation of atherosclerosis.


5α-二氢睾酮(DHT)标准液 溶液, 1.0 mg/mL in methanol, ampule of 1 mL, certified reference material, Cerilliant®