  • Antibodies against Escherichia coli O24 and O56 O-Specific Polysaccharides Recognize Epitopes in Human Glandular Epithelium and Nervous Tissue.

Antibodies against Escherichia coli O24 and O56 O-Specific Polysaccharides Recognize Epitopes in Human Glandular Epithelium and Nervous Tissue.

PloS one (2015-06-19)
Agnieszka Korzeniowska-Kowal, Agata Kochman, Elżbieta Gamian, Anna Lis-Nawara, Tomasz Lipiński, Ewa Seweryn, Piotr Ziółkowski, Andrzej Gamian

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, contains the O-polysaccharide, which is important to classify bacteria into different O-serological types within species. The O-polysaccharides of serotypes O24 and O56 of E. coli contain sialic acid in their structures, already established in our previous studies. Here, we report the isolation of specific antibodies with affinity chromatography using immobilized lipopolysaccharides. Next, we evaluated the reactivity of anti-O24 and anti-O56 antibody on human tissues histologically. The study was conducted under the assumption that the sialic acid based molecular identity of bacterial and tissue structures provides not only an understanding of the mimicry-based bacterial pathogenicity. Cross-reacting antibodies could be used to recognize specific human tissues depending on their histogenesis and differentiation, which might be useful for diagnostic purposes. The results indicate that various human tissues are recognized by anti-O24 and anti-O56 antibodies. Interestingly, only a single specific reactivity could be found in the anti-O56 antibody preparation. Several tissues studied were not reactive with either antibody, thus proving that the presence of cross-reactive antigens was tissue specific. In general, O56 antibody performed better than O24 in staining epithelial and nervous tissues. Positive staining was observed for both normal (ganglia) and tumor tissue (ganglioneuroma). Epithelial tissue showed positive staining, but an epitope recognized by O56 antibody should be considered as a marker of glandular epithelium. The reason is that malignant glandular tumor and its metastasis are stained, and also epithelium of renal tubules and glandular structures of the thyroid gland are stained. Stratified epithelium such as that of skin is definitely not stained. Therefore, the most relevant observation is that the epitope recognized by anti-O56 antibodies is a new marker specific for glandular epithelium and nervous tissue. Further studies should be performed to determine the structure of the tissue epitope recognized.


无水柠檬酸粉末, ACS reagent, ≥99.5%
无水柠檬酸粉末, 99%
无水柠檬酸粉末, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri, ACS reagent, ≥99.5%
无水柠檬酸粉末, ≥99.5%, FCC, FG
无水柠檬酸粉末, anhydrous, suitable for cell culture, suitable for plant cell culture
无水柠檬酸粉末, BioUltra, anhydrous, ≥99.5% (T)
2-羟基丁酸 钠盐, 97%
无水柠檬酸粉末, Vetec, reagent grade, 99%