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Noble-Metal Nanostructures with Controlled Morphologies
Synthesis of noble-metal nanostructures with various morphologies can be achieved by the polyol method. Reaction parameters could be combined to maneuver the twin structure of seeds and the facets of the seed surface.
Oxidizing and Reducing Agents
Oxidation and reduction reactions are some of the most common transformations encountered in organic synthesis
Lanthanide Ions for Solar Cells
Lanthanide ions in spectral conversion enhance solar cell efficiency via photon conversion.
A Micro Review of Reversible Addition/Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Polymerization
We presents an article about a micro review of reversible addition/fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. RAFT (Reversible Addition/Fragmentation Chain Transfer) polymerization is a reversible deactivation radical polymerization (RDRP) and one of the more versatile methods for providing living characteristics to
Thermoelectric Performance of Perovskite-type Oxide Materials
The prevailing strategies for heat and electric-power production that rely on fossil and fission fuels are having a negative impact on the environment and on our living conditions.