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Self-Assembled Nanodielectrics (SANDs) for Unconventional Electronics
Review the potential of self-assembled multilayer gate dielectric films fabricated from silane precursors for organic, inorganic, and transparent TFT and for TFT circuitry and OLED displays.
Materials for Clean H2 Production from Bioethanol Reforming
Hydrogen is one of the most important resources in providing food, fuel, and chemical products for our everyday life. Sustainable catalytic hydrogen production from bioethanol has gained significant attention in recent years due to globally diminishing fossil fuel supplies, which
Energy Harvesting Using Lead Zirconium Titanate-Based Ceramic Nanowires
Among various ceramics, one-dimensional (1-D) piezoelectric ceramics have attracted significant scientific attention for use in energy harvesting.
Titania Nanotubes: Synthesis and Applications
Electronically, it behaves as a wide band gap (3.2 eV) semiconductor and exhibits memristor properties.2 Optically, TiO2 has high opacity with a very high refractive index3 (>2.4), and it exhibits strong absorbance in the UV range.
Advanced Inorganic Materials for Solid State Lighting
Advanced Inorganic Materials for Solid State Lighting