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Fast and Accurate Analysis of Vitamin D Metabolites Using Novel Chromatographic Selectivity and Sample Preparation
Vitamin D deficiency has become a topic of interest in recent publications. Vitamin D regulates the absorption of calcium within the digestive track and is important to promote proper bone growth and prevent osteoprosis in older adults.
UHPLC Analysis of Vitamin D2 & D3 Metabolites and Epimers on Supel™ Carbon LC Columns
UHPLC separates Vitamin D Metabolites with Supel™ Carbon LC column, baseline separation, excellent peak shape, and sensitivity.
Method Optimization for LC-MS Analysis of Vitamin D Metabolite Critical Pairs in Serum
Novel sample prep technique coupled with the unique selectivity of the Ascentis Express F5 column enables a fast and simplified bioanalytical method for associated vitamin D metabolites.
Method Optimization for LC-MS Analysis of Vitamin D Metabolite Critical Pairs in Serum
Using HybridSPE-Phospholipid, Ascentis Express, and Other LC-MS Workflow Components
Applications of Newly Developed 2.7 μm Porous Graphitic Carbon Particles in U/HPLC
Polar graphitic carbon (2.7 μm) based Ultra/High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of four highly polar pesticides, two polar herbicides―paraquat & diquat, and Vitamin D and its metabolites.