HomeLarge Molecule HPLCDiscoveryBIO Wide Pore C18

DiscoveryBIO Wide Pore C18

Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18

HPLC Columns and Capillaries

Bonded Phase: Covalently-bonded octadecylsilane (C18), endcapped

Silica: Spherical, 3µM, 5µM and 10µM diameters, 300Å pore diameter, high purity (<10ppm metals)

Solutions for Protein and Peptide Separation Challenges

  • Proteomics and biotherapeutics: high resolution of synthetic peptides and peptide maps
  • LC/MS; no-bleed, capillary dimensions, and pH stability
  • Peptide purification: Scalable from analytical to preparative
  • Reproducible separations batch-to-batch and column-to-column

Here's the Proof

Matched Selectivity from Analytical to Prep

Column: Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18, 15cm x 4.6mm, 3µM; 15cm x 4.6mm, 5µM; 15cm x 10mm, 10µM, Mobile Phase: (A) 80:20, (0.1% TFA in H2O) : (0.1%TFA in MeCN), (B) 66:34, (0.1% TFA in H2O) : (0.1%TFA in MeCN), Flow Rate: 6.02cm/min, Temp: 30 °C, Detection: 215nm, Sample: Peptide Mix (Cat. No. P2693)

Column Parameters & Run Conditions:



Peptide Map of Carboxymethylated Apohemoglobin Tryptic Digest

Column: Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18, 15cm x 4.6mm, 5µm; Mobile Phase: (A) 95:5, (0.1% TFA in H2O):(0.1% TFA in MeCN); (B) 50:50, (0.1% TFA in H2O):(0.1% TFA in MeCN); Flow Rate: 1mL/min; Temp: 30 °C; Detection: 215nm; Injection: 50µL; Sample: caboxymethylated apohemoglobin tryptic digest; Gradient: 0-100% B in 65 min

Stability of Discovery Bio Wide Pore C18 at Alkaline pH

Alkaline pH Stability
Retention times of the sample components remained constant after 29,000 bed volumes were passed through the column.

Column: Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18, 5cm x 4.6mm, 5µM; Mobile Phase: 25mM potassium phosphate, pH 8 : MeOH (95:5); Flow Rate: 2mL/min; Temp: 35 °C; Detection: 254nm


Undetectable LC/MS Bleed

LC/MS Bleed Analysis on Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18

Column: Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18, 15cm x 4.6mm, 3µM; Mobile Phase: (A) 0.1% TFA in H2O, (B) 0.1% TFA in MeOH; Flow Rate: 1mL/min; Temp: 30 °C; Gradient: 0-100% B in 15 min, hold for 5 min, then back to 0% B for 10 min

No TIC baseline rise relative to blank run (gradient run w/o column)


Lot to Lot Reproducibility of Discovery Bio Wide Pore c18


Column: Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18, 15cm x 4.6mm, 5µM; Mobile Phase: 80% 10mM ammonium acetate, pH 6.8 : 20% MeOH; Flow Rate: 1mL/min; Temp: 35 °C; Detection: 254nm; Injection: 5µL

  1. Uracil (8µg/mL)
  2. Procainamide (30µg/mL)
  3. Sorbic acid (4µg/mL)
  4. Pyridine (100µg/mL)
  5. Caffeine (40µg/mL)
  6. Phenol (240µg/mL)

Ordering Information

3µm Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18 HPLC Columns
5µm Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18 HPLC Columns
10µm Discovery BIO Wide Pore C18 HPLC Columns
2cm Supelguard Cartridges with Discovery BIO C18 Packings

