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兽医学和动物健康研究的多重检测 | MILLIPLEX®检测试剂盒
Evaluation of MILLIPLEX® Mouse High Sensitivity T Cell Panel
The MILLIPLEX® Mouse High Sensitivity T Cell Multiplex Panel is a powerful tool for cytokine profiling in biological samples. Uncover details on how this panel was evaluated for studying low-level cytokine expression and also quantifying multiple cytokine secretion levels simultaneously.
Multiplexing in Vet Med and Animal Health Research | MILLIPLEX® Assays
Learn the benefits of using biomarker detection multiplex immunoassays for laboratory, companion, and agricultural animal research and explore MILLIPLEX® multiplex assays for veterinary medicine and animal health research.
Tips & Tricks | Alternate Sample Types in MILLIPLEX® Cytokine Multiplex Panels
See how MILLIPLEX® multiplex cytokine panels can be used in alternate sample types such as human tears, urine, milk, saliva, and CSF with an example of characterizing neuroinflammation across healthy, MCI, and AD CSF samples.
Tips & Tricks | Guide to Multiplexing | MILLIPLEX® Assays
Uncover tips and tricks to multiplexing in this guide from the experts. Learn how you can enhance the power of your research with MILLIPLEX® multiplexing, including industry guidance for immunoassays, multiplexing tips, one-day MILLIPLEX® multiplex assays for limited lab time
Custom Assay Development & Innovation | Custom Services for Immunoassays
Custom immunoassay development services are available with our Custom Assay Development & Innovation (CADI) team. These services include custom assays, switching immunoassay formats, custom reagents, and sample testing.
Tips & Tricks | Immunoassay Protocols & Troubleshooting | MILLIPLEX® Assays
Uncover tips and tricks on running immunoassays like MILLIPLEX® multiplex assays with advice from the experts for reducing variability, correcting/preventing low bead counts, thorough plate washing, running antibody detection assays, immunoassay troubleshooting, and more.
MILLIPLEX® Multiplex Assays FAQs
Find the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about MILLIPLEX® multiplex assays for Luminex® instruments provided by our team of experts.
Custom Assay Development & Innovation (CADI) FAQs
Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our Custom Assay Development & Innovation (CADI) services, including questions for sample testing on the SMC® platform.