  • A Novel Leptospira interrogans Protein LIC13086 Inhibits Fibrin Clot Formation and Interacts With Host Components.

A Novel Leptospira interrogans Protein LIC13086 Inhibits Fibrin Clot Formation and Interacts With Host Components.

Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology (2021-07-20)
Felipe José Passalia, Marcos Bryan Heinemann, Mônica Larucci Vieira, Ana Lucia T O Nascimento

Leptospirosis is a neglected zoonosis, caused by pathogenic spirochetes bacteria of the genus Leptospira. The molecular mechanisms of leptospirosis infection are complex, and it is becoming clear that leptospires express several functionally redundant proteins to invade, disseminate, and escape the host's immune response. Here, we describe a novel leptospiral protein encoded by the gene LIC13086 as an outer membrane protein. The recombinant protein LIC13086 can interact with the extracellular matrix component laminin and bind plasminogen, thus possibly participating during the adhesion process and dissemination. Also, by interacting with fibrinogen and plasma fibronectin, the protein LIC13086 probably has an inhibitory effect in the fibrin clot formation during the infection process. The newly characterized protein can also bind molecules of the complement system and the regulator C4BP and, thus, might have a role in the evasion mechanism of Leptospira. Taken together, our results suggest that the protein LIC13086 may have a multifunctional role in leptospiral pathogenesis, participating in host invasion, dissemination, and immune evasion processes.


层粘连蛋白 来源于 Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm 小鼠肉瘤基底膜, 1-2 mg/mL in Tris-buffered saline, 0.2 μm filtered, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture
Thrombin 来源于人类血浆, lyophilized powder, ≥2,000 NIH units/mg protein (E1%/280, 18.3)
人血浆纤连蛋白, lyophilized powder, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture
I型胶原蛋白 溶液 来源于大鼠尾, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture, sterile-filtered
纤维蛋白原 来源于人类血浆, 35-65% protein (≥90% of protein is clottable).
纤连蛋白 人类包皮成纤维细胞, lyophilized powder, suitable for cell culture
胶原蛋白 来源于 Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm 小鼠肉瘤基底膜, Type IV (Miller), lyophilized powder, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture
玻连蛋白 来源于人类血浆, lyophilized powder, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture